
Friday 21 June 2019

New learning in Maths

Growing shapes

How do you see the pattern growing?
A. Two squares are added each time
B. Two square are added each time
C. Three square are added each time

How many squares are in figure 55? Explain how you know
A.112 squares Nx2+2/ 2n+2
B.111 squares Nx2+1/ 2n+1
C.166 squares Nx3+1/ 3n+1

Can you use 190 squares to make a structure? Mathematically justify your answer
A. Yes, we can use 190 squares 94x2+2=190 
B. Yes, we can use 190 squares 94.5x2+1=190
C. Yes, we can use 190 squares 63x3+1 = 190

How can you figure out how many total squares are in a figure?
A. 2n+2 or Nx2+2
B. 2n+1 or Nx2=1
C. 3n+1 or Nx3+1

What questions do you still have about?
How does this new learning will be used someday?

What new vocabulary or terms were introduced?
nth term 




Friday 7 June 2019

Film Study| Camera Techniques

What am I learning?
To understand and learn the different film  techniques.

How does this show my learning
This shows my learning because I understand all the techniques that I have presented.

What am I wondering?
I wonder if someday I will be able to use these camera techniques.

Wednesday 5 June 2019


In English, we received our essay test results. My next steps to improve my writing is to use language features, grammatical and spelling conventions to sustain interest effectively, and with increasing accuracy. Next time we have an essay test, my goal is to have a level 6B or 6P.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Film Study Crossword

What am I learning?
During this week, I am learning the language of film and understand it.

How does this show my learning?
This shows my learning because I have proven that I understand all of it's meaning

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
I am wondering how other people can actually understand my crossword and solve it.