
Thursday 28 March 2019

Part Four Destinations

Part Four


1. This section opens with Lev in a pawnbroker's. What does this tell you about how his character is changing? Lev is becoming more smart and strategic, he really thinks about what his next move is.

2. While being transported to possible safety, some of the kids on the run wonder, "Would it be better to die or be unwound?" If given the choice, which would you choose? Why? This response requires more than one or two sentences! Put forward at least three reasons why you think what you do. Unwind is just the same thing as death but the person who will get your organ will have your characteristics and skills. I would rather be unwound because at least Im leaving in a divided state. I would rather donate my organs who will need it.

3. Another question the kids in the book discuss is, "If every part of you is still alive but inside someone else, are you alive or are you dead?" They also wonder if consciousness can exist even if it's spread out, and if the soul remains intact. What do you think? Read Thomas Hobbes' Ship of Theseus puzzle to help you make a decision. Be sure to reference it in your answer!
You are still alive but alive in the person who have received your organs. The book strong credited that you can think and act as if you are alive.

4. This section of the novel sees Lev and Cy-Fi finally make it to Joplin. As they get closer, Cy-Fi's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic. What are some of the things he does, or things he likes, that are not his own behaviours or memories?
Cy-fi's heart started to pound faster, his anxious, Cy-Fi started to mention "Im gonna be late for dinner. They're gonna be so mad, They're always mad". Twitching uncontrollably, being dead quiet and dropping his accent.

5. What was Cy-Ty hiding in his backyard? Pg 185-194
Cy-Ty was hiding expensive, shiny objects which he stole from the past such as: gold chains, metal, diamonds and rubies, zircons and plastics.

6. The section ends with Cy-Ty reaching his destination. What do you think of his parents' behaviour? What does Lev's support show you about his character?
Tyler's parent's behavior is very unsurprising. Because even if they could not see their son, a part of their son still lives inside Cy-Fi, like being possessed by a ghost and haunting Tyler's parents.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Part Three Transit

Part Three

1. In the course of the book, Connor and Risa get separated from Lev, who travels for a time with another character. Why do you think Shusterman chose to split the narrative into two distinct threads? What do you think this achieves? How does this affect the evolution of the characters? I think Neal Shusterman chose to split the narrative because he wants to introduce a new idea to the book or he wants to bring up a new character.

2. On p125 & 129  the novel touches on same-sex relationships. Has the attitude toward same-sex couples changed (for better or worse) in this futuristic society? Explain your response.  The same sex relationship changed for worse because after the Hearland War the society considered the same sex marriage illegal.

3. P130 begins our journey into understanding a little more about Cy-Fi. Through his character, what do you learn about the effects of unwinding on both the donor and receiver?  The person's who have receive the organ from an unwound will affect they're behaviour, skills, and characteristics. Like Cy-Fi he received an organ from a kid whom' her skill is burglary and theft which affected her characteristics.

4. What is the real reason Cy-Fi need to get to Joplin, Mo? Pg 131
He wanted to go to where his donor lived to fix his donors problem

5. What is the significance of Connor holding in his anger around Roland? Pg 147
He dont want to be a bait for Roland, even though he really want to fight Roland, but Roland is just going to end up killing him.
6. Connor's anger and lack of impulse control is often a problem for him, until he learns to control and channel his emotions. Do you ever feel like your impulses are stronger than your will? Yes sometimes my emotions took over my decisions making a spontaneous decision.What strategies do you use to control your feelings? I try to relax my breathing close my fist and flex my jaw. Sometimes I imagine myself punching a punching bag to lessen my anger but I dont do it to a real person, I shout loud when Im really really mad to relieved my anger. Do they work? Yes very, I use them very often but sometimes my techniques wont work, it really depends in a situation.

Tuesday 26 March 2019


1.What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed? The main mathematical concepts or ideas that I have learned is the calculating the speed of light and calculating the mass of the earth. I was fascinated how we can calculate the mass of the Earth the first I thought we will use some scientific kinda tool.

2.What question do you still have about?

3.What mistake or misconception you and your classmates have argued and learned from it?
We always have the same ideas, but we try to create other ideas to solve the problem. One of our conceptions is when we didn't know the meaning of.

4.What new vocabulary have new learned?
I learned how to use and understand Pi.

Health- Taha Wairua

 What is Taha Wairua
- Taha Wairua is your values and beliefs, the search for meaning and purpose in life, personal identity, self awareness, traditions, culture, religion, self worth, attitude, motivation,goals, what you believe in and the way you live.

PVA - Exercise #1
 Trust Trust is very important for me and for others. Trust is hard to give to somebody. Trust is just the same word as believing, if you have faith and believing on somebody they can use your trust and build up their confidence. If you trust on a people you believe they can do it. So that is why its important to me by trusting me and trusting my friends they build up my confidence and believe that I can do it. In our Volleyball team I am about so serve people are shouting that I can do it and I can make the ball go over, at that moment I felt the trust of people on my back and my shoulders. After I served the ball I can believe we won everybody is shouting and yelling. At that moment I felt hype and relieved that I made it over. I might get sad because without trust that person can't get enough confidence and that people might think of failure.
 Friendship Friendship is really really important for me because friendship can make memories happy memories. Friendship make people help each other. Friendship makes a bond so strong you can never broke it. I felt friendship everyday I always feel the bond that we and I make. Everyday friendship run through me because I have the best friends that I could have. Without friendship and it being disrespected I will get mad because friendship needs to be respected

Monday 25 March 2019

Bird Lino Cut

Which bird did you choose?
The Bird I chose is Riro Riro

Describe stylisation and positive/negative space in your work?
My positive space is my background and my negative space is the bird

What ideas do you have for your orphist circle layers?
I made my orphist circle as a moon so it can stand out and show my bird

What colours have you chosen for your layers and why?
I used orange, red and black

Friday 22 March 2019

10 Worst Countries for Child Labor

In Social Studies we are learning about Human Rights and one of our topics are Slavery the part that we are currently learning is Forced Child Labour.
So what is Forced Child Labor?
 It is about children being forced to work and to absent school to prevent they're own learning/ they're right to education. But also child labour can be dangerous for children, mentally, socially, and physically, one of the example are, not getting enough rest getting crushed with rocks and dirt in the mines plus inhaling toxic chemicals. Making work children at a very young age is very unacceptable specially to the smaller kids Imagine how young they are and they're working tirelessly, working in brick kilns, carpet factory, and working in mines! Mines that are too dangerous for kids and only grown men should be working. Child labuor must be stopped. Here is the worst Countries for Child Labour, This map shows the location/country of the worst child labour, if you click a pin it will show what type of child labor takes place in that country and an estimated population of children that are in child labour


Part 2 Storked Connection Tasks

Connection 1 The Baby Box

Image result for baby hatch europe
The Baby Box is a Box where you can put your baby if you want him/her to be adopted. The baby box has a blanket and some phone numbers you can contact if you suddenly changed your mind. The people who owns a baby box can monitor it by getting a message if somebody have opened the box. This practice started before medieval Europe, now the baby box has been spread to United States and Europe about 200 hundred boxes in total.

Connection 2 The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad is a network of meeting places, safe houses, secrete passage ways and routes.The Underground Railroad is used to save African American slaves, about 6,000 slaves escaped through the use of the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad also uses code-names such as Conductor, Stations, Station-Masters, Lighthouse and Depot. The conductors are the people who lead slaves to safe houses. One famous Conductor is Harriet Tubman, she is once a slaves but she got save by the underground railroad since then she became a "conductor". Harriet Tubman had freed 300 slaves in a decade of her serving. The Underground Railroad ended in the first World War in 1862.

Connection 3 Clappers

Image result for First kamikaze
In Unwind Clappers are the people who mixed their blood with a nitroglycerin blend to make it explode like a bomb, they trigger it by clapping and killing the people around him/her and their selves in the process. Like the clappers there are Kamikaze's they are the people who is drove planes loaded with bombs and deliberately suicidal crash into there enemies. Kamikaze we're used in the Second World War by the Japanese.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

A whole lot of work in DTE

For the past few weeks I have been doing a lot of work on DTE here is the current learning that I've done
TV Evolution

Digital Bytes

Xij: was your biggest takeaway in this video?My biggest takeaway in this was when a reporter told that people take words from other music to make a new one.

Ivan: was your biggest takeaway in this video?My biggest takeaway in the video is when the narrator said “Any body can remix anything” which means they can take a personal property change it abit to make it their own.

1. What do you think about the real world objects(for example a sliding lock, a type writer, and traffic light colors) that inspired iPhone’s interface? Do you think people notice these everyday references?Yes because traffic light is commonly used. For example red light means stop this relates to iPhone’s interface as to stop or close the app. For the typewriter apple used it as a keyboard where if you press a letter it produces a sound the same as the typewriter when you push a button it also produces a sound. People notice this everyday references because it is very common.

2. Why do you think Apple chose to reference physical objects more literally in the iPhone (for example, with a bookshelf, a calendar, a tape deck)?We think Apple chose to reference physical objects more literally in the iPhone because people will be able to get used to it easily as it is an everyday object.

3. Can you think of any other real world objects that digital products would benefit from mimicking?A remote, a torch

4. Do you think it’s OK for companies to copy the look and feel of other companies products when making their own device?Yes it is ok because they can take it as an inspiration to make their own new device but change the features of it.

5. What do you think about the iOS 7’s simplified,flatter, more iconic look? Why do you think this look became popular? Who decides what’s popular and what’s not?We think it’s great because it has evolved to a new and improved multi-touch. It became popular because of its new and improved features. We think that the people decides what’s popular and what’s not because they are the one who’s going to use the device.


Image result for interland
Interland is a game designed to help kids to be cyber smart in the internet. Interland is fun, each level is different from the others. There are four levels in the game which is called, Reality River, Mindful Mountain, Tower of treasure, and Kind Kingdom.

Image result for interland

Being Cyber smart

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Part 2 Storked

Part two Storked

You can't change laws without first changing human nature." - Nurse Greta
"You can't change human nature without first changing the law." -Nurse Young

1. Risa overhears two nurses debating law and human nature. Which argument do you think is the stronger? Why do you think this? Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts on law and human nature. I think Nurse Young has a better argument than Nurse Greta. Because people follow the Law, If theirs no rules people will have they're freedom to do what they want it will be chaos without Laws. Changing the Law will help to change the human nature too, changing the Law will discipline the changing nature of humans.

2.This section opens with a mother abandoning her newborn infant on the doorstep of a house in a good neighborhood. As she leaves, she thinks "How wonderful it is that she can get a second chance. How wonderful it is that she can dismiss her responsibility so easily.

3. In your opinion, by allowing new mothers to give up their children so readily, does it take away from the value of a child? No it does not. The value of the child is precious because a child is a gift from God.

 4. What is the role of a mother? Do you think the title of mother is something that should be earned, or a natural right of the woman who gave birth? A mother is a woman who is ready to take a responsibility to take care of her children a woman who will give up anything for they're children, But biologically if you gave birth to a baby it Automatically makes you a mother whether you like it or not.

5. What skills or attributes do Connor and Risa have that work well together? Connor and Risa are both independent and Street Smart but they're different in a way because Risa thinks more precise and carefully and Connor thinks using his feelings, but all and all they make up a good team Im sure they can survive til eighteen.

6.Connor and Lev have very different experiences with storking. How has this helped shape each of their attitudes toward the society they live in? Connors experiences in storking is bad, because of what happened to the child who got passed in the neighborhood which have died makes him very considerate to storked babies while Lev's experience is good because they have always accepted storked babies they believe it's a gift from God and Gods plan, making Lev very grateful to storked babies.

7.Connor is concerned the baby won't be loved, and ultimately will die, so he takes it. What does this show us about him as a person? It shows Connors being considerate to other peoples feelings even a baby because he dont want to make the same mistake again.

8. What makes Lev realise he doesn't want to be unwound? P79
Pastor Dan made Lev realized that tithing their own child for God is not right.

9.Each of the other characters on the run has a tragic background story. Why were Hayden, Roland and Mai set to be unwound? Which, do you think, is the most tragic? Explain your response. Hayden's parents did not want to take him deciding to just unwind him. Roland putting an end to his step-father's abusing of his mother but ends up favoring his father. Mai's parents didn't want a girl child so they unwind her.

10. What tattoo does Roland have?
A shark tattooed on his forearm.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Harriet Tubman Research

Part One Triplicate

Part One Triplicate

1.How much brainwashing do you think has happened for teenagers to make this sort of claim as they’re being led to their "death"?  A lot because they think they will still be alive just living in a divided state.

2.Why, do you think, has Shusterman chosen to have three characters tell their story?
I think Shusterman chose to have three characters to show the different perspective of unwinding.

3. Lev is a tithe. This means that he is the 10% that his family will give back to the church as an offering. What are your thoughts on this?  I think because Lev's family is rich they should've used money instead of Lev as a tithe.

4. Rita is a state home kid - she was unwanted at birth, and now the state have decided she is no longer useful. Do you think that the state should ever be able to determine if one life is more useful than another? No, I think the state shouldn't determine and compare if a children is useful or useful than the other, because everybody is useful in a different kind of way.

5. Connor's parents have chosen to unwind him due to his difficult behavior. They have then booked a ticket to the Bahamas. In your opinion, how do parents view their children? Why do you think this? I think Connors parents views him as a pet, a pet that is once cute and adorable but not anymore so giving that pet away is much very useful for others. His parents thought because of his difficult behavior they are not capable to take care Connor (pet) anymore so they just offered him to be unwound.

6.Pastor Dan presents as being conflicted. What reasons might he have to encourage Lev in his journey as a tithe? Why does he encourage him to run? I think Pastor Dan encouraged Lev to run because he want Lev to survive and not get offered as a tithe. Pastor Dan knew that Lev's parents is wrong and offering a child is wrong. Pastor Dan believed that any child should not be used as an offering or a sacrifice .

7.What is the story based on a nursery rhyme that circulates among the youth?  
Humphrey Dunfee is a nursery rhyme that is used to scare kids from being unwound