
Thursday 28 March 2019

Part Four Destinations

Part Four


1. This section opens with Lev in a pawnbroker's. What does this tell you about how his character is changing? Lev is becoming more smart and strategic, he really thinks about what his next move is.

2. While being transported to possible safety, some of the kids on the run wonder, "Would it be better to die or be unwound?" If given the choice, which would you choose? Why? This response requires more than one or two sentences! Put forward at least three reasons why you think what you do. Unwind is just the same thing as death but the person who will get your organ will have your characteristics and skills. I would rather be unwound because at least Im leaving in a divided state. I would rather donate my organs who will need it.

3. Another question the kids in the book discuss is, "If every part of you is still alive but inside someone else, are you alive or are you dead?" They also wonder if consciousness can exist even if it's spread out, and if the soul remains intact. What do you think? Read Thomas Hobbes' Ship of Theseus puzzle to help you make a decision. Be sure to reference it in your answer!
You are still alive but alive in the person who have received your organs. The book strong credited that you can think and act as if you are alive.

4. This section of the novel sees Lev and Cy-Fi finally make it to Joplin. As they get closer, Cy-Fi's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic. What are some of the things he does, or things he likes, that are not his own behaviours or memories?
Cy-fi's heart started to pound faster, his anxious, Cy-Fi started to mention "Im gonna be late for dinner. They're gonna be so mad, They're always mad". Twitching uncontrollably, being dead quiet and dropping his accent.

5. What was Cy-Ty hiding in his backyard? Pg 185-194
Cy-Ty was hiding expensive, shiny objects which he stole from the past such as: gold chains, metal, diamonds and rubies, zircons and plastics.

6. The section ends with Cy-Ty reaching his destination. What do you think of his parents' behaviour? What does Lev's support show you about his character?
Tyler's parent's behavior is very unsurprising. Because even if they could not see their son, a part of their son still lives inside Cy-Fi, like being possessed by a ghost and haunting Tyler's parents.

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