
Friday 5 April 2019

Part Five Graveyard

Part Five Graveyard

1. Which job in the graveyard does Risa get assigned to? How does this come about? P201 Risa got assigned as a dishwasher but because of Connor breaking a kid's nose she immediately got promoted as a medic.

2. Why doesn't Connor volunteer for "work"? P205 Because connor see's the graveyard as a slave market not a refuge, and he think's that the admiral is using them for his own earnings.

3. How does Roland unsettle Connor? P206-207 Roland told Connor that the Admiral has a different agenda for the unwinds, that he is up to something.

4. P208-209 detail Lev's arrival, and Connor's reaction. Make sure you fill in your character profiles for both characters. Lev's arrival is just the same as Connor arrived from a fedex jet. Connor's reaction was furious, thrilled and relieved at the same time. Because of Connor's Instinctive action he punched Lev in the eye because of what Lev have done to them. He realized that Lev had changed a lot. Connor realized that he no longer acts as a tithe he is strong and smart of his actions.

5. P214-215 Connor learns the truth about the Admiral here. How does the Admiral gain Connor's trust? He gains his trust by telling him his story, and start to say truthful answers.

6. What, according to the Admiral, is it that Connor is becoming famous for in the Graveyard?p212 According to the admiral, Connor is famous of fighting everybody, being a loose cannon which means being uncontrollable.

7. What happens to the Goldens?p217

all the five of them suffocated and died inside the crate. connor and the admiral believed that they got targeted by someone who is jealous of their power, someone who want to gain power among all the kids and come out to be the strongest.

8. How does Roland begin to assert his power in the Graveyard? (you'll need to look throughout the section) roland starts to tell the other unwind's that the admiral is cruel and evil ruler. that he just uses them for his own earnings.

9. P222-226 give us an insight into how the Unwinding Bill was passed into law. Summarise what happened, then explain whether or not you think it is plausible.  
At first the people thought there we're only 2 sides of the war the pro-life and the pro-choice but there is a third side, the side who wants to prevent both sides to fight each other using the military . The bill of life started as a joke but after that a scientist won a Nobel Piece Prize for his study of Neurografting. Neurografting is when all body organs of the donor is used for a transplant. Until the side in the middle suggested "Unwinding" getting rid of unwanted children and donating their organs for people who need it. The both sides was happy about the idea and eventually signed a law about unwinding.

10. The Admiral was there when the Bill of Life was signed - do you think this detracts from the believability of the commonplace nature of Unwinding? In your opinion, do you think the book should have a few more generations between those who signed the Bill, and the present state in the novel?
Yes, so that we can see different point of view and opinions.

11. What job does Lev volunteer to do? P236
Lev volunteered to fix the oil pipe line at Prudhoe Bay, in Alaska

12. Which part of Harlan Dunfree does Emby have? P240
Emby received the lungs of Harlan which causes her to have asthma
13. Chapter 39 is from Roland's point of view. Why do you think Shusterman changes the narrative here? What do we learn in this short chapter?
Shusterman did this to evoke the readers curiosity and to reveal Roland's plans
14. By the end of this section, things at the Graveyard have deteriorated, with the unwinds turning on the Admiral, and tearing the place apart. Which character is beaten to death on p250?
Cleaver was beaten to death but he seemed to enjoy the chaos revealing the death of the Golden's.

15. What does the Admiral refuse on p255? What is the doctor's reaction to this?
The Admiral refused to get transplant because the organs from the hospital are from the unwind's

16. Why does Roland have the Juvey-Cops called? P259 Why doesn't his plan happen? P260-1 Roland ask the Doctor to call the Juvey-cops to get Connor and Risa to get unwind.

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