
Wednesday 10 April 2019

Part Six Unwound

Part Six Unwound 
1. Connor and Risa are sent to Happy Jack Harvest Camp. Describe what it is like, and explain why it is like this. P265-266 The harvest camp is nestled in Happy Jack Arizona in a pine covered ridge, the sedating forest give way the red mountains of Sedona a very scenic place for a purpose, it is also built like a hotel filled with bright pastel colors with minimal red colour because red is phsycologically associated with anger, aggression and blood. The Boys dormitory is painted light blue with a hint of green and the girls dormitory is painted lavender, with pink. The staff is wearing a Hawaiian shirts except for surgeons their scrubs are sunshine yellow.

2. What is the exact percentage of the Unwind that you have to keep alive? Why is it not 100%, as Risa believes? P269 The exact percentage of body parts that should be kept alive is 99.44% because of the appendix having no purpose in the body.

3. What do the unwinds call the place where unwinding occurs? P271 The unwinds call it the "Chop chop" because it's the pace where they chop your body parts.

4. Lev too, is at Happy Jack, but as a tithe. Why is this?  Because Lev, Blaine and Mai are planning to become clappers and blow up the Happy Jack Harvest Camp.

5. On p278 Connor and Roland finally have the fight that's been brewing between them. What does each character realises during this? Roland realized that he is not the killer he thought he was because he isn't capable of the thing he thought he could be. Connor realises that he would rather die to Roland than to get unwind one of the questions that they talked about in the plane.

6. P284 - What group has Lev joined, who recruited him, and when will they follow out their plan?  Cleaver recruited Lev the one who was beaten to death in the graveyard. The kid who taught Rolnd to fly a helicopter, Cleaver recruited all three of them Mai, Lev and Blaine to blew up the camp by clapping their hand and exploding the camp.

7. Roland is called for unwinding on p286. Why is this? Roland is called for unwinding because of his blood type being an AB negative. Due to his blood type being rare they are unwinding him as soon as possible.

8. Chapter 61 is arguably the most confronting chapter in the book. Here we have Roland's first person narrative of being unwound. Do you think this chapter is necessary? Yes it's necessary because Shusterman want to show what it's like to be unwound.
Why do you think Shusterman chose to have Roland's experience detailed? Shusterman did this so that the readers have an information of what's gonna happen, what would unwinding look like in they're own point of view. Shusterman may also did this to show Roland's past so that the readers may change their opinion about unwinding Roland.

Do his memories alter how you view him?  
Roland's memories made me think what it's like to be him. I also got pity for Roland because of his past, because of the reason why he's getting unwound.

9. Why does Lev decide not to clap? P310
Lev did'nt clap because he knows what they are doing is wrong and he also wanna save connor like connor save him.

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