
Wednesday, 27 February 2019

P.E. Reflection

Hugh Jump:
Why you chose it?
I chose it because I wanna improve my frosbury flop

What is the proper technique and how do you do it?
The Frosby flop. Run in a J-shape and twist your body behind the bar and jump head first following with your shoulders, hips and foot. To get the most successful jump tuck your butt in and curve your body while jumping.

Have you improve why or why not?
I have improve my High Jump because I can do Frosbury flop now.

What other sport you want to improve on?
Long Jump

Is there something you can improve on that event?
I wanna improve the distance of my jump and I wanna land in two feet more often.

Image result for fosbury flopImage result for long jump

Monday, 25 February 2019

The Slave Trade Triangle

  1. On your blog explain
  2. What the Slave Trade Triangle was? West African slaves were exchanged for trade goods such as brandy and guns. Slaves were then taken from the 'Middle Passage' across the Atlantic for sale in the West Indies and North America. Finally, a cargo of rum and sugar 
    1. taken from the colonies, was taken back to England to sell.
    2. What the First Passage is?The First Passage was from Europe to Africa. The cargo on this passage was guns and weapons.
    3. What the Middle Passage is?Africans were taken to the Caribbean and sold. They were bartered for a ship-load of tobacco and cotton.
    4. What the Third Passage is?The rest of the slaves were shipped to the USA and processed for auction. It was here where the Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar Cane and other products slaves produced were put on ships.   
  1. Write something you have found interesting about the topic and why

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Novel study

Name three synonyms for Dystopian Literacy


What is the antonym for Dystopia?
The antonym for Dystopia is Utopia

Which dystopian novels have you read?
-The Giver
-Maze runner
-The tribe
-World war z
-Train to Busan
-Walking dead
How many others can you name?

Friday, 15 February 2019

Human Rights

 What do you know already?
This is my first time learning Human Rights.

What did you find interesting?
I found the Human Rights to be helpful to our community.

What would you like to learn next?
I would really like to learn different kinds of Mythology

Wednesday, 13 February 2019



1.Have you improved your understanding of tone/shading?
Yes I have improved my shading skills and I also know where to add shades in.

2.Do you understand that drawing using structure can help you draw better?

3.What are you going to work on going forward in pencil drawings in out of class?
I am gonna work on my shading skills and my improve my accuracy at copying objects to draw.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019


1.What are the main mathematical concepts or ideas that we learned or discussed in class

Last week in Math we did a fun activity which includes a string to create objects and shapes. I learned how to solve the puzzle using mathematical equations.

2.What questions do you still have about?
 I want to know to make the other shapes

3.What did I enjoy about the activity?
I enjoyed trying out new ways to solve a certain puzzle .

What am I learning?
I am learning how to solve different problems
 What am I wondering?
I am wondering about the ways I could've do to solve the problem much faster
How does this show my learning?
This shows my learning because I learned how to solve the puzzle.

Image result for string  activity

Friday, 8 February 2019

Critical Literacy

Learning Activity: Critical Literacy Vocabulary

Factual or Satirical?

Factual - Believable
Satirical - Fake news but funny 

The Onion
- What does it look like?
The website looks legit
-What photos is it using?
Most of the photos are Photoshop-ed/edited but the others are from the internet
-What headlines are they using?
The Headlines that they are using is fake but funny

The New York Times
- What does it look like?
The headlines are very organised and seems legit
-What photos is it using?
The photos are reliable some, but not all
-What headlines are they using?
The headlines looks reliable and seems to be true.

The Civilian
- What does it look like?
The Headlines are unreliable
-What photos is it using?
The photos are Photoshop-ed and feels like out from google
-What headlines are they using?
The Headlines is funny and very satirical

The Daily Mail
- What does it look like?
It look legit
-What photos is it using?
The photos is reliable
-What headlines are they using?
The headlines they are using are credible

The Daily Mash
- What does it look like?
It doesn't look very credible
-What photos is it using?
The photos they are using is unreliable looks funny
-What headlines are they using?
The headlines are funny and fake

The Herald
- What does it look like?
The website looks like reliable
-What photos is it using?
They are using photos from their own and very credible
-What headlines are they using?
The headlines they are using is credible

The Shovel
- What does it look like?
The website looks not fake.
-What photos is it using?
Some photos are edited some are taken form another source.
-What headlines are they using?
The headlines they are using is unreliable

Daily Telegraph

- What does it look like?
The website looks descent and believable
-What photos is it using?
They are using their photos taken from other source and some are edited
-What headlines are they using?
The headlines is credible

The Onion -Satirical
New York Times - Factual

Both sites looks legit but if you look closely that a lot of photos from the Onion is mostly Photoshop-ed or edited to make real. If you read both Articles you can say that the Onion is making a joke of the CEO of the Amazon company, by saying that the National Enquirer posses a nude photo of him, thus making it fake at the other hand the New York Times is very professional of their photos and videos and I found out that the other websites is publishing the same report of "A collapsing Dam in Brazil" which making it believable.

5 things to check if the website is Satirical or Factual

1. Check the photos that they are using
2.What does the website look like
3.Check the source of the website
4.Check the other website if they are publishing the same thing
5.Check for the quality

What am I learning: I am learning Critical Literacy
How does this show my learning: This shows my learning by think critically to a literacy topic
What am I wondering: I am wondering how do I apply my new learning in a day to day basis 


-Can you find this image online?
-Crap Test

-Google Image search
-General Google search


-What kind of language is used in the text?
The kind of language they are using is broken English

-What is this text about, how do you know?
This text is about killing butterflies, because a part of the story the granddaughter said "I killed all the butterflies"

-What does the author want us to know?
The author want us to know that other people has different perspective and different understandings.

-How are characters constructed in this text?
The grandparents are proud of their grandchild.

-What kinds of social realities does the text portray?
It portrays the life back then.

Critical Questioning Matrix

Lift plus
-How does the text depict age, gender, and cultural groups?
The text depict Islander men's in 20's to 30's age group acting stupid

-How are the characters constructed?
The characters are constructed to be dumb and funny.

-What genre is does the text belong?
The text belong to a comedy genre.

Bunch O' Balloons
-Who Benefits this text?
The people who benefits the text is the parents and children.

-How are the characters constructed?
The characters are constructed to be happy and playful.

-Who is the most likely audience?
The most likely audience of the text are kids and parents.

-Who benefits this text?
The people who benefits this text are the people who doesn't have enough money but they want to eat

-What do the images suggest?
The images suggest the 1, 2, 3 dollar meal will save you from hunger.

-What genre this text belong?
This text belong to a advertisement/comedy genre

The Hare and the Tortoise
-How are characters constructed in the text?
One of the characters is constructed to be humble and resilient and the other one is constructed to brag and show off

-How does the text construct a version of reality?
The text construct if you aim for your goal slow and steady you will most likely to achieve.

-Who is the most likely audience of this text and why?
The most likely audience is children, parents, and teachers. They are most likely to be the audience because these story is widely known to have a moral value and it is used to teach kids to be resilient and be slow and steady instead of speed and flashy

-What is the text about
The text is about sharing your blessing

-Who is the most likely audience
The most likely audience is teens and his fans

-What does the author want us to know
The author wants us to take care of out parents and share your blessings

What is Critical Literacy - Reflection Time

-What do you think Critical Literacy is?
Critical Literacy is thinking critically about the text.

-What did you learn during Critical Literacy?
I learned about how to know if the website is satirical or factual I also learned about the C.R.A.P. Test.
C for Currency R for Reliability A for Authority P for Purpose or Point of view.

-What did you find challenging during Critical Literacy?
I find understanding the text challenging.

-How will you use Critical Literacy skills in real life?
I will use Critical Literacy to know website is reliable, I will use it to understand the text more clearly.

-What are you looking forward to in English this year?
I am looking forward to improve my grammar and spelling skills.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Critical Literacy

-The News intro makes it realistic and the newscaster and the facts that are being stated in the news.

  • Who published this video?
-The people/program who published this video is called The Onion.

  • How are teenagers portrayed in this clip?
-The teenagers are portrayed as a brain dead person that only does is texting and doing Facebook.

  • Why has the director cast them this way?
-To become more convincing to the audience and funny in kinda way.

  • In whose interest is this text?
-The parents who think their child is brain dead.

  • Who is real in this text?
-The doctors because are using big words that sound cool.

  • What social realities does this video portray?
-It portrays the realities of a teenager getting addicted to social media.

    Critical Literacy 2
    • What aspects of stories was she (Andrea)  interested in?
    Hidden Message or subliminal message.
    • What did the ad imply with the big diamond ring?
    It implies that guy only love woman if they buy them jewelry.
    • What is subtext?
    Hidden text or subliminal message.
    • With CL, can each student have their own answer?
    Yes, Because each of us view it differently.
    • What does Andrea compare CL to?
    Wonder woman Laso of truth.
    • How can CL be applied to your life outside of school?
    Media, movies,ad and video games.