
Tuesday 5 February 2019

Critical Literacy

-The News intro makes it realistic and the newscaster and the facts that are being stated in the news.

  • Who published this video?
-The people/program who published this video is called The Onion.

  • How are teenagers portrayed in this clip?
-The teenagers are portrayed as a brain dead person that only does is texting and doing Facebook.

  • Why has the director cast them this way?
-To become more convincing to the audience and funny in kinda way.

  • In whose interest is this text?
-The parents who think their child is brain dead.

  • Who is real in this text?
-The doctors because are using big words that sound cool.

  • What social realities does this video portray?
-It portrays the realities of a teenager getting addicted to social media.

    Critical Literacy 2
    • What aspects of stories was she (Andrea)  interested in?
    Hidden Message or subliminal message.
    • What did the ad imply with the big diamond ring?
    It implies that guy only love woman if they buy them jewelry.
    • What is subtext?
    Hidden text or subliminal message.
    • With CL, can each student have their own answer?
    Yes, Because each of us view it differently.
    • What does Andrea compare CL to?
    Wonder woman Laso of truth.
    • How can CL be applied to your life outside of school?
    Media, movies,ad and video games.

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