
Friday 27 September 2019

SOST Essay

As the years go by our technology has changed overtime. In this essay I will talk about the technology used by the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Romans, and the cavemans. These technological advances includes the Ancient Egyptian Mathematics,  Hieroglyphics, Aqueducts, and stone tools. These examples will show you how technology changed overtime.

Technology in the Stone Age period includes the invention of the stone tools. This is important because it helped the caveman's hunt for food, gather resources, and self defense from predators. The caveman’s developed stone toolmaking, about 2.6 million years ago in the Early Stone Age. The tools were made by hammerstones, stone cores, and sharp stone flakes. The oldest stone tools ever discovered was in Gona in Ethiopia. This means that the invention of stone tools was an important piece of technology that was made by the cavemans that we still use today. As the years go by our knowledge of making tools grew and we started to use metal as an alternative for stone.

Technology in the Ancient Egypt period includes the invention of mathematics, and hieroglyphics. The use of mathematics is important because, we learned how to use it to improve our skills in building structures and include it in our daily life. We also learned a new form of writing called Hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics was a step up from the cave art because it is more difficult to understand , it is also used to design walls on temples, and tombs. Ancient Egyptian mathematics was invented about 3000 to 300 BC from the Old Kingdom of Egypt until the beginning Hellenestic Egypt, this mathematics was used to build the pyramids in Giza. Hieroglyphics was invented about 3300 to 3200  BC. This means that mathematics and hieroglyphics was an important piece of technology that was made by the Ancient Egyptians that we still use today. 

Another important piece of technology is the invention of the aqueducts that was invented in the Ancient Rome period. The invention of the aqueducts was important because it helped the Romans transport water from the mountains to the city. The first aqueduct that was built is Aqua Appia in 312 BC who was built by Appius Claudius Caecus. The aqueduct has a length of 16 kilometers. This means that the invention of the aqueduct is an important piece of technology that helped us transport water in different places that we still use today as modern day plumbing.

Because of these inventions our technology has changed overtime. Firstly The Ancient Egyptians helps us develop our language and our form of writing, Secondly the Romans helped us improved our knowledge in transporting water from different places, and Lastly the cavemans helped us use tools to make our everyday life much more easier. Because of these inventions our technology changed overtime and change how we use technology now.

50 word Lyrics

50 Word Lyrics
When it comes to songwriting simple is always effective. But it’s hard to pull off. You have to be ruthless with your approach. Simple is a skill that every songwriter should master. It keeps your songs relatable, engaging and catchy. Who doesn’t like a good sing along?Have a go at writing your song with no more than 50 unique words in the lyrics.
  • You can use the same word more than once without it counting. 
  • Keep it simple. Repetition can be powerful.
  • If you get stuck listen to ‘Love, Love Me Do’ by the Beatles that has only 19 unique words.
Big fat rat, is running on a mat
Big big cat is going for the rat
Rat goes what!? Running away from the cat
Rat gets a bat, Whak! Cat goes flat!

#Workshop 2 Musical Lyrics & Poetry

1. Underline the sentences that means emotions
2. Highlight the words that repeat through out the text

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
It's easy to say
But it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to
This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you
Now, I need somebody to know
Somebody to heal
Somebody to have
Just to know how it feels
It's easy to say but it's never the same
I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape

Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes
I fall into your arms
I'll be safe in your sound 'til I come back around
For now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

But now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all

I let my guard down

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Sentence Starter Writing

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

The forest was really scary when Julie and I went for a walk.  “Quick!” I cried, “run faster!” Brown hair bobbing, Julie raced towards me.  Foxes were everywhere, chasing us around the trees.  Jumped and scratched and twisted and turned, we ran as fast as we could.  Over and over, I heard Julie call out, “Wait for me!”  The silly girl was just so slow.  Lazy, that’s what mum calls her.  Dogs barked nearby, scaring the foxes away – and finally, we were safe.

"With great power comes with great responsibility"

It was Saturday morning and Johnny was woken up with a loud noise coming from their lawn. Johnny quickly left his bed to check out what is happening, it was his dad mowing the lawn. After getting woken up with a loud noise Johnny went to the kitchen to have some breakfast, while he was eating his breakfast his mom told him " Johnny can you feed the dog it is your responsibility after all", Johnny sighed and said "okay mom". Johnny then quickly finished his breakfast and feed the dog. Johnny yelled "Power, here boy!" the dog came running with great speed and jump onto johnny. After feeding the dog, johnny went to his friend's house to visit him. While he was walking he saw his friend Mitchell riding his scooter and comes inside the Great Tree house. Johnny finally reached the tree house and all his friends we're their. Johnny was so happy because all his friends we're there and all of them played games for the rest of the day.

The 6 sentence story

6 Sentence Story

  1. Your first sentence begins with ‘Once upon a time’ and introduces the main character.
  2. The second sentence describes where the character lived.
  3. The third sentence describes the character special talent.
  4. The fourth sentence describes the characters problem.
  5. The fifth sentence tells us why the character felt that way.
  6. The final sentence tells how the character solved the problem.

Once upon a time there was a baby lion. He lives in a dark cave with his mother and father. He is brave and strong, and he has a very scary roar that can scare away anyone whenever he wants. However the one things that he can't scare away is his father. The baby lion was upset and sad because he can't scare his father. One day the baby lion found his father getting attacked by poachers, the baby lion ran straight to his father to protect him from the poachers. The poachers laughed at the baby lion not knowing what he can do. The Baby lion roared as loud as he can to protect his father. The poachers got intimidated and ran away as quickly as they can. His father praised his fearsome roar and his brave act, his father said " Son your roar is pretty scary it almost made me pee". The baby lion was so happy. THE END

Critical Literacy

- Manly
- Girly

Somewhere that's Green
the girl
the men
do outside cleaning

How are adults contracted in this text
-The boy is constructed to be soft and shy, the girl is also constructed to clean inside the house and serve the family.
-The man is constructed to do the outside cleaning.

What kind of social reality does this text portray?
- The text portrays a reality where the women do the cleaning and serving her family while the men work and clean outside the house.

How does this text construct a version of reality?
This text constructs a version of reality where men go to work and do the manly things while the girls stay at home, clean and serve their family.

What different interpretations of the text are possible?
The text interpret different stereotypes in the real world

Legally Blonde

How are adults constructed in this text?
- The women are constructed to be strong and independent

What kind of social reality does this text portray?
-This text portrays where women don't need boys to prove they can be better

How does this text construct a version of reality
- This text construct a version of reality where the women are strong and independent

What different interpretations of the text are possible?
- The text interpret a different stereotype of women in the real world

Sunday 22 September 2019

Mythologies Workshop

Blank Face Man 

In America there was a boy named Peter.Peter wants to go out and play in the woods but his Mother
didn't allow him to go. Peter got upset and escaped without his mother's permission. While he was
walking in the woods, he saw a man standing in a black suit without a face,
he got creeped out and start to walk backwards, as soon as he walk backwards, the creepy
man quickly noticed him and ran straight at him.
In that day Peter was never found again.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Mythology (SOST)

Amaterasu Omikami

Image result for amaterasu omikami Amaterasu Omikami is the sun goddess and the mos important deity of the Shinto Religion and the ruler of Takama no Hara (The Highest Celestial Plain), the domain of the kami or spirits 

5 Facts about Amaterasu

1. Amaterasu was the owner of the Heavenly Gardens 

2. Amaterasu has 2 sisters Susanoo the God of the storms and sea and Tsukuyomi the God of the Moon. 

3.She was the daughter of Izanami And Izanagi

4. Amaterasu has a son named Ama no Oshiho mimi 

5. Ninigi is the grandson of Amaterasu


What did I do well?
-I did well in the trampoline because, I can now perform the seat drop which I can't do before. I also learned how to the forward roll in the bar.

What do I need to improve on?
I am currently working on improving my forward roll on the floor.

How can I improve?
I can improve my forward roll by tucking my head in more and use my feet to push me forward and I also need to improve my confidence because I keep stopping myself from doing the roll

Image result for forward roll

Thursday 12 September 2019


SEEL Paragraph
As technology becomes more advanced the human population increases. We can see in the bar graph that the human population increased because of technology. 400,000 years ago stone tools and primitive weapons were invented, in order to hunt food and to protect ourselves from predators we developed stone tools and weapons. Because of the tools and weapons we used, we protected ourselves from predators giving us a chance to live longer, populate and climb up the food chain.

Crazy Lyrical Dialogue


Epilogue Pt. 2

"Now I'm losing one craft
Hey Bermuda you getting it?"

Little Silver Rings
"Growing old, watching silver to turn gold"

Sa o Roma, babo, babo

1. Leon says "now I'm losing one craft, hey Bermuda you getting it?" Bermuda laughs and says hell yeah I'm gonna win this thing. Leon got mad and cast a spell to Bermuda "Sa o roma, babo, babo". Bermuda yells no way! Leon laughs as he watch Bermuda freeze and can't move. Leon won their battle, and now Bermuda is growing old, watching silver to turn gold.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Self Directed Learner Matrix

Manage my learning time so I complete all tasks.
I would make a timetable that tells me what task I need to work on for each period so that I can complete all of it.

Finish all my work
Manage my time

Friday 6 September 2019


For each of the following sentences, does it have a hyperbole or not. 
  1. I’m so hungry I could eat a whole elephant! (Hyperbole/Not)
  2. May is the nicest month of the year. (Hyperbole/Not)
  3. Her brightly coloured dress hurt his eyes. (Hyperbole/Not)
  4. The roof rose up and down to the rhythm of the music. (Hyperbole/Not)
  5. I ate all of my salad for lunch.  (Hyperbole/Not)
  6. The dog was so dirty it had a tomato plant growing on its back. (Hyperbole/Not)

Turn each of these into a Hyperbole sentence: The first is done for you.
An old car- The car is older than the hills.


A strong wind.
A headache.
A fast computer
A funny movie
A hot pan
A loud, crying baby
Heavy groceries
A scary dog

The strong wind almost blew my head off
My headache is so painful that my head is going to burst
My computer is so fast it can beat a cheetah in a race.
The movie is so funny that I almost pooped my pants
The hot pan is hotter than the sun
The crying baby is so loud that the whole country can hear it!
Ughh! This grocery is so my arms are gonna fall off!
The dog is so scary that I might pee in my pants.

  1. ‘As straight as an arrow’
  1. Metaphor
  2. Simile
  3. Onomatopoeia
  4. hyperbole
2.      ‘Lucky lady’
  1. Metaphor
  2. Oxymoron
  3. Alliteration
  4. Onomatopoeia 
3.     ‘Boom!’
  1. Alliteration
  2. Simile
  3. Personification
  4. Onomatopoeia
4.     ‘The city was a jungle’
  1. Metaphor
  2. Personification
  3. Hyperbole
  4. simile


Match the following sentences to the onomatopoeia that describes them.
  1. Tinkle A plate being dropped on the floor.
  2. Pop A balloon being burst.
  3. Bang A gun being shot.
  4. Crunch Someone eating chips.
  5. Click A light being switched on. 
  6. Growl A fierce dog. 
  7. Tinkle A small bell being rung. 
  8. Creek A door opening
  9. Boom A bomb exploding
  10. Screech A child screaming. 

Highlight the onomatopoeia in each of the following sentences:
  1. The old engine chugged down the rickety track. 
  2. The hard-hit tennis ball whistled by my ear.
  3. The truck’s brakes screeched in the distance.
  4. The rain beat on the metal barn roof.
  5. His guitar strings twanged the sad melody. 
  6. The old floor creaked as we walked slowly across it. 
  7. The fire cracked and popped on a cold night. 
  8. The snake hissed when I startled it.

Have a go at writing some Onomatopoeia sentences of your own:
The aeroplane zoomed across the skies.
The mug cracked when it fell on the floor.
The wind whistled through my ears.