
Tuesday 17 September 2019

Mythology (SOST)

Amaterasu Omikami

Image result for amaterasu omikami Amaterasu Omikami is the sun goddess and the mos important deity of the Shinto Religion and the ruler of Takama no Hara (The Highest Celestial Plain), the domain of the kami or spirits 

5 Facts about Amaterasu

1. Amaterasu was the owner of the Heavenly Gardens 

2. Amaterasu has 2 sisters Susanoo the God of the storms and sea and Tsukuyomi the God of the Moon. 

3.She was the daughter of Izanami And Izanagi

4. Amaterasu has a son named Ama no Oshiho mimi 

5. Ninigi is the grandson of Amaterasu

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