
Thursday, 10 September 2020

Folio board Next steps.

My next steps for my folio board is to draw more tiger pictures and the environment they live in. I chose to draw tigers because it will represent the ferocious and as protector of the land. With that is can surely connect to my kaupapa that environment and wildlife protection. I'll also start to paint the tiger so my folio board can transition to monochromatic to more colourful orange paintings of a tiger, with this I should finish my first board. My plan for my second board is to draw eagles.I will draw the features and paint the environment that they live in. I chose the eagle to represent peace and as the protector of the skies. I will draw them in an ukiyo-e style to base it on the artist I am interested in which is Katsushika Hokusai.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

DVC Rendering Internal

 Ivan Notario

AS91066 -

In the past few weeks in DVC, we have been doing a Rendering Internal.

What did you like? I liked the colour combinations of the bottles, especially the blue one.

What didn't you like? I didn't like how I coloured the green one and blue one, it looks messy

How do you like it? Feedback? I think I did a pretty good job rendering my bottles. If I have to do this again I would improve my rendering skills, and pick more great colour combinations.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Presentation Reflection

My presentation turned out to be better than I expected. I expected that I would stop in the middle of my presentation and forget my sentences. However I didn't, I remembered all my lines and said it fluently and with a flow. I also expected that I would laugh in the middle of my presentation and ruin it. Yet I didn't, I conquered my fear of presenting in front of other people. 

Before I did my presentation, I was nervous and felt sick, I was about to throw up but I kept calm and thought of my presentation and what I'm presenting. When I was presenting, I felt like a different person. I felt like someone who always stands and presents in front of crowds. I also noticed that my voice was a little bit different. It was deeper than my usual voice.

If I was to do my presentation again, I would make a slide about my phone or show my phone to the audience. I also want to the increase the amount of words in my presentation to make it a little bit longer. Lastly, I would like to do some more hand gestures while presenting, to look more professional. At the end of my presentation I passed and I was relieved that I finished my presentation. After my presentation I realized that presenting was fun and I would like to give it a try again.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Term 3 Week 2 Visual Arts 2020

Today Im going to show some photos of my artworks that I will be putting in my portfolio board. My kaupapa is about environment and wildlife protection. 

- Because my kaupapa is about environment and wildlife protection, I will be using an eagle to depict as the guardian of heaven and the sky. Although I will still work on this and improve the shading.

-The Eagle in the second drawing still needs some more details, I also need to improve my shading for the second daring.

-For this drawing my shading is really sloppy which is why I will be re doing it. I picked the bear to depict as the protector of the Earth/ Land. 

What is Working?
The theme for my folio board is environment so I have been doing some sketches that is related for my theme. The sketches I have been doing is looking really good, but it needs improvement. I also like how I structured my sketches making it fit in my portfolio board.

What is not Working?
I don't really have problems, for my artworks yet but I think I just need to improve on my sketches and the shading.

What is your next step?
My next step would be painting my sketches

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Analyzing 'Funeral Blues'

Funeral Blues
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message 'He is Dead'
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
By noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

W.H. Auden

Assonance - My East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest.
-This was an effective language technique used by Auden in the poem 'Funeral Blues'. This is because it gave the reader an understanding of how important the character he is talking about to him.
-The sentence is in past tense. This is because of the word 'was'.

Hyperbole - The stars are not wanted now; put out every one, Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.
-This was an effective language technique because it exaggerates what the writer is talking about.
-The sentence is in present tense. This is because of the word 'now'.

Emotive Language- Scribbling on the sky the message 'He is dead' 
-This was an effective language technique because it gave the reader an emotive response.
-The sentence is present tense.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Film Study|Film Aspects


What else can we call tone in a film?
A tone in a film can also be called brightness

What are the 3 main elements of tone?
The 3 main elements of tone are lighting, exposure, and art direction.

How and why does Cappola use tone in the classic film 'The Godfather'?
Cappola used lighting exposure in the film. He used exposure to control the amount of light in scenes to create different emotions.

How can directors control the feelings of the scene?
The directors can control the feelings of the scene by using the 3 elements of tone.

What are the ways directors can contrast in a film?
The ways that the directors use to contrast are tone, art direction, blocking, camera and colour.

What is contrasted in Spike Jonze’s ad?
The contrast in Spike Jonze's ad is how boring and dull the person's world compared to the person's personality.

Why did he contrast these things?
He contrasted these things because he wants to show that people can get out to a boring and lifeless world by buying the product.

Insert shot 

What is an insert shot?
An insert shot is an isolated shot that focuses on a specific detail in the scene.

What is the purpose of insert shot?
The purpose of an insert shot is to communicate important narrative information.

What are the 3 main aspects of the insert shot?

The 3 main aspects of an insert shot are composition, colour, and timing

What 3 things help the audience feel about the insert shot?

The 3 things that help the audience feel about the insert shot are shot size, shot angle, and camera movement

Composition of the insert shot helps with what

 in a film?
The composition of the insert shot helps with create context and importance in a film

Colour in the insert shot helps with what in a film?

Colour in insert shot helps to draw attention to specific points within the film

How long you dwell on the insert shot helps show what?

How long you dwell in an insert shot will have a direct effect on the viewer's interpretation of its importance.

Over-the-shoulder shot 

What is the effect of an OTS shot?
The effect of an OTS shot in a film is to connect and disconnect characters in a scene.

What film aspects shows a disconnect of the characters
By using a dolly shot into a single closeup shot have an effect on the viewers that they are no longer connected.

How does the director of this scene show the disconnection of the characters?
The director of this scene show disconnection of the characters by combining different film aspects.
The director used a dolly shot and used a push in to focus on the man.  He then used single close up shot to the girl, creating a disconnection between the characters.

What eventually totally isolates the female characters?
The director brought back the waiter creating a visual connection between the characters, the director then use a close-up shot to the girl, which completely isolates the women.

Dutch angle 

The Dutch angle does what?
The dutch angle creates an unsettling feeling to the audience.

What is the Dutch angle?
A Dutch angle is a camera technique that is tilted horizontally.

Who and when created the Dutch angle?
It was used by German Expressionist in the early 1900s.

What 3 things do director needs to consider for the Dutch angle?
First, the director needs to identify the moment. Second, the director needs to consider the moment. Finally, the director needs to enhance the moment.

What 4 things can enhance the Dutch angle?
1. The degree of your tilt, the more you tilt the more unsettling it becomes.
2. Camera level, it gives different feelings for the viewers in each angle.
3. Lens Choice, different lenses create a different look and feel.
4. Depth of field.

 Production design

What is production design?
It is the overall visual look of the production

What makes up production design?
The production design is made up of set design, prompts, and wardrobe.

What are the 3 main things production design can help reveal?
Production design sets the mood of the scene, reflects the state of the character, and it articulates the story's themes.

Film Blocking

What are the three ways the director use blocking in a film?
The director uses space, shapes, and line.

What the 3 basic shapes for film blocking?
The 3 basic shapes for film blocking are circles, squares, and triangles.

What are the emotions associated with these shapes?
Circle- it a safer and inclusive feel
Square- It gives a limited space
Triangle- It gives an aggressive feel
What 2 things can blocking help with?
The 2 things are subtext and contrast.
Subtext- by using blocking it guides the actor, the DP, and the art director to your vision.
Contrast- by using blocking it creates an underlying meaning.

Visual Motif

What is a motif?
A motif is an element that has a symbolic significance in a story
Why are they important?
Motifs are important because they support the theme of the story
What makes a great work of art?
Because it creates a greater depth of understanding of a film


How does the colour in the film affect people?
Colour draws out emotions and creates psychological effects on people

What are the 3 factors of determining colour?
The 3 factors in determining color are hue, saturation and brightness

Why is the blue in the matrix mostly green?
This is because the movies takes place in a digital matrix and the colour associates with codes. Another reason is the green sickly quality  in the film reflects the overall state of affairs

Why do some films desaturate?
Some films desaturate to give a cold, rude and gritty look in the movie

What can brightness and lack of brightness show in a film?
Brightness creates an atmosphere that is lively and exciting, however, lack of brightness creates a dramatic atmosphere.

Camera movement

What are the purposes of the whip pan and the slow pan? 
The whip pan is used to give an effect of quickly turning and looking at something, while the slow pan is used to give the viewers some time to process the shot.

What is a purpose of the tilt shot? 
The purpose of the tilt shot is to reveal something that redirects the viewer's attention.
What does the reverse dolly zoom help show? 
It helps show a character having an intense internal experience

What the difference between a Steadicam and a dolly shot? 
The dolly shot is taken on a track, moving the camera through space while the Steadicam is taken with a camera stabilized on an operator gliding gracefully through space.

What can the hand-held shot help create for the viewer? 
It creates a feeling of anxiety to the viewer

What should directors ask themselves with their camera movement? 
The directors should ask themselves if they have insurance if a camera drops or something wrong happens. Another thing the director should ask themselves is how does their camera movement support the story of the movie

Camera movement should be doing what?
Camera movements should be manipulating the viewer's point of attention and telling the movie through different camera movements.


What is the POV shot?
It's a camera shot that shows what the character actually sees

What is a 'point of thought' shot?
A POT shot is a shot that shows how the character thinks to the world rather than how they see it.

Why are they important?
They are important because it helps us understand and feel what the character is going through in the film.

Establishing shot
(Tone has a different meaning)

What is an establishing shot?
An establishing shot establishes a scene in the film. Establishing shot is often used to establish a new location and establish the tone of the film.

Why is it used
Establishing shots are used to introduce a new location in the film.

Why is the establishing shot usually is the most expensive
It's usually the most expensive because it shows everything to the viewers.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Art blog

This year I will be focusing on Environment and wildlife protection as my kaupapa

I chose this theme because I like the landscape and how our environment looks, and protecting it from changing is also gonna have a huge contribution to the wildlife living in that certain environment thus, making it a great combination.

The media I will work are Paint & Print

The two artists I have selected for 1.1 are Shane Cotton and Sofia Minson from list one, and Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh from list two.

The Artist I am interested in 1.2 and 1.4 is Katsushika Hokusai

I want to use the Mountains, Forests, Oceans, and animals as my subject of matter. With these subjects, I will be able to create a visual metaphor and meaning to my artwork.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Mood Board

This year I will be focusing on Environment and wildlife protection as my kaupapa

I chose this theme because I like the landscape and how our environment looks, and protecting it from changing is also gonna have a huge contribution to the wildlife living in that certain environment thus, making it a great combination.

The media I will work are Paint & Print

The two artists I have selected for 1.1 are Shane Cotton and Sofia Minson from list one, and Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh from list two.

The Artist I am interested in 1.2 and 1.4 is Katsushika Hokusai

I want to use the Mountains, Forests, Oceans, and animals as my subject of matter. With these subjects, I will be able to create a visual metaphor and meaning to my artwork.

Monday, 3 February 2020

A news item that interests me

During the holidays, there was a new virus discovered in China. It was called nCoV or also known as Novel Coronavirus. Coronaviruses are illness that can range from a common cold to a more severe disease such as SARS or MERS. These viruses are said to be transmitted between animals and people. The new virus was discovered by the Chinese Authorities this recent January. The authorities have said that most of the initial cases of the virus occurred in people who worked or visited the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan, China, where most of the variety of wild animals are sold. The virus has currently killed 420 people and there are 20,438 cases of infection in China and different countries. The new virus can be spread by sneezing and coughing. 

This news interests me because of how it quickly spread from one person to another and the countries that are infected by the virus.  The virus quickly spread in China because of the number of people in China and how many people travel to different countries.

This affects the world because, if it continues to infect a lot of countries, especially the countries with poor healthcare, making it harder to contain causing more cases of the virus, thus making the virus a global problem.

This makes me think if I were in their situation, what can I do to prevent getting the virus. I would avoid close contact with people who are sick, avoid touching my nose, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands, stay home and always clean frequently touched objects and surfaces.