
Friday 31 May 2019

Guess The Color Hot Potato|DTE

Guess The Color Hot Potato

Over the past few weeks in DTE our teacher have taught us how to code and program using blocks. In block 1 we learned how to use loops, block 2 we learned how to use If/then.else statement, block 3 we learned how to implement lights in sphero, block 4 we learned how to use different variables. The teacher gave us sphero's to code them. Sphero's are small robotic balls that you can drive and program. During the lesson, the teacher asked us to create our own game using sphero's.  First I played some games made by the community to have inspiration for my own game. The game that I was interested in creating is another variety of Hot potato game. The game I created is called guess the color hot potato game. I programmed my game as if sphero reads 3gees or above, the color will change and you need to guess the color before you pass it until sphero vibrates and the last person who is holding sphero is out. For the past lessons, I enjoyed playing around with sphero's I have learned how to code, program and use different blocks using sphero.

1. Start the game.
2.Toss sphero.
3. The person who caught sphero needs to guess the colour and pass it to another player.
4. The person who caught sphero while it vibrates is out. To add more to the game do some punishments like flick the losing person in the ear or in the hand.

Image result for sphero

Thursday 23 May 2019


I the past few weeks we have been learning to calculate different shapes, such as circle, triangle, parallelogram, square, rectangle and trapezoid.

To calculate the are of the rectangle and square the formula is A= HxW

To calculate the are of circle the formula is A= radius squared x pi

To calculate the Trapezoid A= 1/2 B x H 

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Creative Writing Social Studies

In 1856, My name is Christopher Frost or you can call me Chris. I live in London and I am 19 years old. My Father is Mark and my Mother is Cristina, I also have an older brother his name is Jade Frost. My life in London is always been very hard. In London, houses are small and made of cheap materials. Houses are also built very close together that there is no privacy. London’s water is polluted and mostly no running water. Due to the water being polluted it is very hard to keep clean. In London children are mostly exploited for cheap labour, diseases are also very common in London making people here always sick. For these reasons, living in London is Hell and it makes me want to leave my own country.

Our family is poor, I'm a Blacksmith, and My brother works in a factory. My brother and I are the ones who are supporting our family but, we have a small pay. One day while I’m cooking dinner my brother brought a poster home saying ‘New Zealand a better place to live in’ we thought about if we take this opportunity to leave our country for a better job and a higher pay it will prove us beneficial. After my brother showed the poster, three days later trying to persuade our parents to migrate to New Zealand later we decided that we will set sail to New Zealand to live a better life.

After deciding to leave London for a better life, we packed our things and headed to the port early in the morning. While we are walking towards the dock, I was amazed at how huge the ship is. After we put our luggage in the cabin me and my brother run towards the deck to take a last gaze at the shore. While I was looking at the window, I noticed a girl saying goodbye to her family. I thought what was it like to leave your family behind? What would I feel? What would they feel? Distracted by the girl, my brother offered me for a slice of bread and ate. While I was eating, I thought what does New Zealand like and how our life is gonna change. The food on the ship was delicious but not often. Most of the time we are given muttons, fish, pork, biscuits, oatmeal, porridge and biscuits. During the voyage, some of the food went bad so it’s very hard to eat. During our voyage we keep ourselves entertained by watching the wildlife, playing board games and watching concerts.

Within a month long of voyage, we arrived in New Zealand. Instead of taking our luggage I ran towards the deck and take a nice deep long breath and shouted ‘At last!’ People looked at me but I don't care. My brother laughed at me and said: “what are you doing take our luggage you dong!” So I then take our luggage and head to the port. I was amazed at New Zealand, everything was different from our home. The air and water are so fresh and unpolluted. Within two hours of seeking for a place to stay in, we finally unpacked our things and went to sleep. After a week I and my brother are glad that we took this opportunity because if we haven’t we would still be in London suffering. I am finally relieved because the environment is much better than London, it is not polluted, it is not overpopulated, in here diseases are uncommon, there are public healthcare, better jobs and higher pay. For this reason, I and my brother’s choice to move here helped us tremendously, making our lives even better.

Friday 17 May 2019

Essay Structures

Preposition - Peacefully, I drunk coffee
Adverb - n a minute, I finished my work
W-Start -Whilst my friend plays video games, I play basketball
ed - start - Determined to finish the test, I quickly finalize my answers.

The -Ing Start
Start a sentence with the ing form of a verb. When you have finished your -ing phrase, place a comma, then write the rest of the sentence.

E.g. Deciding, speaking, seeing, gasping, rising, looking, holding, emerging, taking, talking, signalling, analysing.

Talking about military successes, one must include Alexander the Great.

Emerging from the cold water, I run towards the furnace.
Seeking for a new option, I think for an alternative

Thursday 16 May 2019

Essay structures

My 15th 2019

10 min  starter tasks

Adverb sentence: Quickly, Ivan ran to the changing room and get his bag.
Preposition sentence: In an hour, Mom is going to cook dinner.

 The -ED start
Starting a sentence with -ed form of the verb. It makes for a punchy opening to the sentence.

Committed, Undaunted, Determined, Forced, Gifted, Blighted, Thrilled, Bewildered, Delighted, Blessed, Overpowered, Drafted, Surprised, concerned.

E.g. Thrilled by the score, the coach shouted us all 'Maccas'

Forced by my father, I worked hard to get a high grade.
Determined to shoot the ball, I ran straight to the hoop.

The W-start sentence
The beginning a sentence with a W-word. The W-start makes writing sound thoughtful and knowledgeable.

Who, What, Whilst, Where, What, Whereas.

E.g. Whereas Liz played Netball, I played Hockey.

While my Mom was gone for shopping, I cooked dinner
Whilst Xij was finishing his essay, the class already finished their essay.

P.E.E.L Paragraph
Most of the people know that Basketball is more popular than Netball yet some people still favors Netball. People know basketball is a lot more popular because it is widely broadcasted and played in the world. An example of it is when the Golden State Warriors won the Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers and also for the famous Michael Jordan he is widely known and idolized basketball player in the world. For these reasons, basketball is a lot more popular than netball.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Essay structure

May 14th 2019


5. Adverb Sentence
Adverb are describing words that add tot he verb.
Curiously, Quickly, Rapidly, Often, Importantly, Technically, Firstly, Lastly, Remarkably, Similarly, Significantly, Readily, Interestingly.

(,) goes to after the adverb.
Eg. Surprisingly, Mrs. Handley was on time to class.

- Surprisingly, Mark won the game.
-Suddenly, Mom noticed I've lost my jacket.

6. Begin with a Preposition
Preposition are little words indicating movement or position.
Against, Under, Above, In, At, Throughout, Behind, Within, Near, For, About, Over, Prior.

Eg. Within the hour, all students had finished their essays.

-At the school, students waited for the bell to ring.
-Within a minute, I need to finish my test.


Basic Body Paragraph

Point - state the point you wish to make.
Evidence - 2-3 sentences that give evidence to your point.
Explain - Explain 3 - 4 sentences that explain your evidence in relation to your point/question.
Link - Back to your point - 1-2 sentence tot he next paragraph- 1 sentence.

Point - Everyone knows it's better to read the book than watch the movie.

Evidence - For example, the movie made of 'Wonder' is very different from the book it leaves out lots of information. In the book the main teacher is female but in the movie, they are male. Also, the camp incident missed out the info about Auggies hearing aid.

Explain - This incident made more sense in the book because he was bullied for having his 'Lobo ears' which made him look different. It didn't make sense to him in the movie without them.

Link - For these reasons, the book was clearly better than the movie. However, you can enjoy the movie without reading the book.