
Tuesday 21 May 2019

Creative Writing Social Studies

In 1856, My name is Christopher Frost or you can call me Chris. I live in London and I am 19 years old. My Father is Mark and my Mother is Cristina, I also have an older brother his name is Jade Frost. My life in London is always been very hard. In London, houses are small and made of cheap materials. Houses are also built very close together that there is no privacy. London’s water is polluted and mostly no running water. Due to the water being polluted it is very hard to keep clean. In London children are mostly exploited for cheap labour, diseases are also very common in London making people here always sick. For these reasons, living in London is Hell and it makes me want to leave my own country.

Our family is poor, I'm a Blacksmith, and My brother works in a factory. My brother and I are the ones who are supporting our family but, we have a small pay. One day while I’m cooking dinner my brother brought a poster home saying ‘New Zealand a better place to live in’ we thought about if we take this opportunity to leave our country for a better job and a higher pay it will prove us beneficial. After my brother showed the poster, three days later trying to persuade our parents to migrate to New Zealand later we decided that we will set sail to New Zealand to live a better life.

After deciding to leave London for a better life, we packed our things and headed to the port early in the morning. While we are walking towards the dock, I was amazed at how huge the ship is. After we put our luggage in the cabin me and my brother run towards the deck to take a last gaze at the shore. While I was looking at the window, I noticed a girl saying goodbye to her family. I thought what was it like to leave your family behind? What would I feel? What would they feel? Distracted by the girl, my brother offered me for a slice of bread and ate. While I was eating, I thought what does New Zealand like and how our life is gonna change. The food on the ship was delicious but not often. Most of the time we are given muttons, fish, pork, biscuits, oatmeal, porridge and biscuits. During the voyage, some of the food went bad so it’s very hard to eat. During our voyage we keep ourselves entertained by watching the wildlife, playing board games and watching concerts.

Within a month long of voyage, we arrived in New Zealand. Instead of taking our luggage I ran towards the deck and take a nice deep long breath and shouted ‘At last!’ People looked at me but I don't care. My brother laughed at me and said: “what are you doing take our luggage you dong!” So I then take our luggage and head to the port. I was amazed at New Zealand, everything was different from our home. The air and water are so fresh and unpolluted. Within two hours of seeking for a place to stay in, we finally unpacked our things and went to sleep. After a week I and my brother are glad that we took this opportunity because if we haven’t we would still be in London suffering. I am finally relieved because the environment is much better than London, it is not polluted, it is not overpopulated, in here diseases are uncommon, there are public healthcare, better jobs and higher pay. For this reason, I and my brother’s choice to move here helped us tremendously, making our lives even better.


  1. Hi Ivan! I really liked how you tell your story and how detailed it is but next time please double check your spelling and correct your mistakes.

    1. Thank you Reign, I will make sure of it.

  2. Hello Ivan. I like some of the words you used in the story and how you put personality in it. You should check the first paragraph, maybe you can rephrase it to make it sound better.

    1. Hi Sofia! Sorry late reply. I think Ivan should look at your comment and consider replying.


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